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Dr. Linder's Blog


Posted On: June 10, 2013 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Augmentation, Breast topics, Home

Patients present to my office every day with breast hypoplasia.  The term breast hypoplasia simply means small breasts, hypoplastic breasts with minimal breast growth and development.  This patient’s example on her preop shows that she has hypoplastic breasts with involutional upper pole atrophy, loss of tissue going to the upper breast.  She also some skin laxity around the nipple areolar complex along the lower nipples.  She underwent style 45 silicone cohesive gel Natrelle implants through a periareolar approach.  Notice her postoperative appearance showing nice fullness to the upper breast; however, they are unnaturally round.  This is because she had the implants placed in the subpectoral pocket and there is significant softening of the upper pole of her breasts with sloping.  This has allowed her to have a beautiful round appearance to her breast with increased projection, reduced visibility and rippling that may be seen with lower profile implants in a woman with this thin amount of breast tissue.  Breast hypoplasia is the most common definition for preoperative patients presenting for breast enhancement in my practice.  Style 45 is the extra high profile cohesive silicone gel by Allergan Pharmaceuticals.  This is not perfect for all women, but in this case it fit beautifully in that it reduced visibly rippling, allowed for increased AP projection and narrowing along the lateral breast to prevent increased fullness.