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Dr. Linder's Blog

Combined Muffin Top and Banana Roll Liposculpturing

Posted On: October 28, 2011 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Liposuction

The patient to the left presents with a gynoid appearance with severe lipodystrophy of the iliac crest rolls.  She has a disproportionate amount of fat on the hip area.  She also has significant banana rolls which extend under the infragluteal fold out to the lateral thigh saddlebags.

This patient underwent tumescent liposculpture technique in a bidirectional fashion at the muffin top as seen on the “Dr. Oz Show” with Dr. Linder and Dr. Oz.  She also underwent infragluteal fold liposculpture in order to reduce the fat along the buttock area as with Dr. Linder on the show “The Doctors.”

Note her after-photo at four weeks.  The iliac crest roll shows a beautiful, natural contour without contour irregularities or deformities and smoothing out of the hips.  She also has a nice cut along the infragluteal fold showing a nice lower buttock division to the upper posterior thigh.  This patient is wearing a compressive garment for four weeks and will continue for another four weeks.  Combined tumescent technique of the infragluteal fold and the iliac crest rolls can allow a patient to have a nice lower third proportionate sculpting procedure when performed under general anesthesia using the tumescent technique.