Replacing Breast Implants In Beverly Hills
Posted On: January 12, 2024 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Implant Exchange

Most of the breast surgeries that my staff has scheduled are patients that have experienced a ruptured breast implant over the past few months. Most breast implants retain their integrity for approximately 10 years; however, breast implant failure can occur due to trauma or injury, capsular contracture, double bubble, bottoming out, implant rippling or just aging.
Below are a few short videos of some of the types of ruptures we have been removing and replacing during the breast revision surgeries at Summit Surgical Center in Beverly Hills.
This female patient presented a 20-year-old ruptured implant that was placed in Florida. During the breast revision surgery, we identified the implant as a PIP pre-filled silicone manufactured in France. It’s been about 20 years since the FDA removed the PIP from being used in the United States.
This is the implant I just took out of this young lady. She actually had them done 20 years ago, and they’re P-I-P, PIP implants. These are done in Florida, and these are French implants. They’re prefilled. You do not see any valve because they’re filled with the fluid from the factory, just like a silicone, it’s prefilled. And this is called the PIP French implant. These are no longer allowed in the United States. They were taken off the market 20 years ago by the FDA, but anyway, ruptured PIP French implant patient reconstruction surgery today.
This patient had an acute ruptured implant, and due to its dark color, we know this rupture occurred a while ago. The breast implant is a 360 cc smooth saline Mentor implant that is only four years old.
Here, this is an acute rupture.
It appears to be… Little dark, look how dark that fluid it is. It’s really dark yellow, so that actually means that it’s been ruptured for a while. It almost looks like urine.
So this is a Mentor 360 Smooth Saline. It’s only placed about four years ago, but look at it, it’s completely gone, and the color is dark yellow, very golden yellow. It means it’s been a while and it’s full of protein. The darker the yellow, the more protein that’s formed, the longer it’s been broken and ruptured.
Dr. Linder shows what a silicone ruptured breast implant looks like during breast revision surgery.
For more information regarding breast revision surgery or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Linder, give us a call at (310) 275-4513 or feel free to contact us via email.