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Dr. Linder's Blog

Mommy Makeover

Posted On: June 25, 2019 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Lift, Mommy Makovers, Tummy Tuck

This patient is a 39-year-old Asian female presenting for a mommy makeover after having her second child through cesarian section.  Her breasts show involutional upper pole atrophy, loss of fullness of her breasts with significant skin laxity and sagginess.

Her left breast is significantly “saggier” than the right.  The patient gave me permission to perform a breast lift on one or both breasts as necessary after placing implants if they did not settle in the appropriate position.  She also will undergo a full abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, with plication of the muscle, tightening of the rectus sheath and lipo-sculpting of the muffin-top in order to give her a nice waist.  The frontal view, before, shows loss of upper pole fullness, grade 2 ptosis on the right and between grade 2 and 3 on the left.

Patient Results

Her postop photo shows nice positioning of her 375 cc style 20 Natrelle Allergan silicone implants.  Notice only a periareolar incision made.  No lift was performed and the small amount of residual nipple ptosis on the left breast is acceptable to the patient.

Her abdominoplasty scar is well hidden below her underwear and the contouring of her hips is nice, showing a reduced muffin-top and more contouring of hourglass figure.  This is an excellent example of a mommy makeover on an Asian patient with an internal tightening/lift performed without external scars.

Mini Mommy Makeover

The below example is a typical case of a patient who presents for a mini mommy makeover. She has had a cesarian section, has involutional upper pole atrophy, loss of upper pole fullness of her breasts, has lipodystrophy adiposity of the iliac crest rolls, and rectus diastasis. Her desire is to improve the fullness of her breasts. She has Grade I ptosis and will do well with straight augmentation mammoplasty procedure without the need for a breast lift, high profile saline implants as well as a mini abdominoplasty with tightening of and plication of the rectus sheath from the umbilicus to the suprapubic region as well as lipo-sculpting from the lower flank down to the iliac crest roll regions.

Patient Results

On frontal view, please note the flattening of the lower abdominal area. Notice the natural projection of her breasts using the high profile saline implants in the dual plane. In the oblique you will notice the hips have been smoothed down beautifully with a much more elegant contour, less bulkiness above the jean line and a smoothening of the lower abdominal wall.

The mini mommy makeovers can be performed with implant lifts concurrently with mini abdominoplasties and lipo-sculpting of the hips as well as the inner and outer thighs. Patients who have mini abdominoplasties normally have redundant skin of the lower abdominal wall; however, have good tissue and good skin tightening of the abdominal area and hypogastrium, not requiring a full extensive abdominoplasty.

We look forward to taking care of you for your mommy makeovers after you have finished having your children and finished breast feeding.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Linder and learn more about mommy makeover surgery, call our office at 310-275-4513 or fill out our online contact form today.