Abdominoplasty African American Women
Posted On: May 17, 2012 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Body Sculpting, Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck
Abdominoplasty or tummy tucks when performed with women of color may have a higher incidence of scar formation along the lower Pfannenstiel or C-section scar associated with abdominoplasty. Patients of color, including African-American women, Filipino and Middle Eastern women should be apprised of the situation of the possibility of keloids, hypertrophic scarring, widespread scarring, hyper- and hypopigmentation of scars associated with a tummy tuck procedure.
In the example, this patient has undergone a full abdominoplasty procedure. She is a 48-year-old African-American female, having delivered two children, with excessive skin laxity in the lower abdominal wall with rectus diastasis. The patient underwent an extensive full abdominoplasty up to the subcostal margin dissection with plication of the midline rectus sheath. She underwent liposculpture of the iliac crest rolls. The before photo shows stria from the umbilicus down to the suprapubic region. The postoperative photo shows a full tummy tuck with the scar hidden low, just above the hairline of the suprapubic region, extended to the anterior superior iliac spine bilaterally and a circumferential incision around the umbilicus has healed well without hyperpigmentation, keloid or hypertrophy. Lowering the scar on patients of color will help to reduce the visibility of this incision through underwear as well as through swimwear. It is vital that patients of African-American origin as well as patients with increased pigment discuss the scarring and the possibilities of these problems thereafter.