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Dr. Linder's Blog


Posted On: November 17, 2006 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast topics, Plastic Surgery

As of 2:21, the FDA has approved silicone gel breast augmentation for primary breast enhancement surgery. Here in Beverly Hills, we have and we will continue to perform silicone gel breast augmentation on patients. Silicone gel implants have a great advantage over saline implants in that they feel much, much more natural, less visibility and rippling and are less obvious when placed in proportionality to the patient’s body.


Patients still have the option of saline versus silicone augmentation. Saline implants are also very useful and have their stay in the field of primary breast augmentation surgery, especially in patients with significant amounts of breast tissue. Women who have a very minimal amount of breast tissue will do well with silicone implants, as they will reduce the visibility and rippling, especially along the outer portions of the breasts when the implants are placed in the dual plane technique, two-thirds under the muscle medially and laterally only under glandular tissue.