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Two Videos Showing Silicone Gel Implant Ruptures Being Removed

Posted On: November 14, 2017 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Ruptured Implant

Last Wednesday, I performed two breast surgeries at my Beverly Hills Brighton Surgical Center. The first case was to address the left breast that was showing signs of scar tissue around the implant and a slightly visible distortion. The second patient was undergoing breast surgery due to the left breast showing an actual rupture.

The first video below shows that as I was removing the implant, I could immediately feel the loose silicone gel around the implant. As I removed the implant from the pocket, you can see that there was a peripheral tear causing the leakage. This leakage was not detected by a recent mammogram and was creating the scar appearance.

The second video shows what we were expecting, which was a silicone textured gel rupture from a previous augmentation that was performed in Mexico a few years ago. During the breast revision surgery, I replaced both breasts with highly cohesive silicone gel breast implants, also known as gummy bear implants. These smooth texture implants are designed to minimize the visible wrinkling or rippling due to her thin breast tissue.

To learn more about ruptured implants and breast revision surgery, schedule your consultation with Dr. Linder by calling our Beverly Hills office at (310) 275-4513 or by filling out our online contact form.