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Dr. Linder’s Breast Revision Approach in Beverly Hills, CA

Posted On: August 03, 2023 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Revision

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While breast revision surgery is very challenging, it is one of Dr. Linder’s favorite operations. There are a multitude of reasons why Dr. Linder does breast revision, ranging from capsular contracture (scar tissue formation) to malposition (when the implants are in the wrong position) to breastfeeding and having had a baby. Breast revision could also be chosen to treat skin laxity or a lot of saggy skin or to address an implant rupture. 

Ruptured implants can occur with both saline or silicone. With silicone rupture, this tear can be intracapsular, where the filling material remains within the implant pocket, or extracapsular, where the silicone leaks through the breast tissue and travels all the way to the axillary lymph nodes. Sometimes, we don’t know how extensive the revision is going to be until we get into the body.

How Is Breast Revision Performed?

Breast revision surgery can be a complicated operation. 

Often, it requires an open capsulectomy and an implant replacement. It can also require skin removal and full breast lifts. In some situations, breast revision can require changing the pocket from subglandular to submuscular or submuscular to subglandular. 

So, there’s a whole myriad of procedures we do with breast revision surgery.

What Should You Know When Choosing Breast Revision?

Breast revision surgery requires experts, such as a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in revisions. In Dr. Linder’s practice, he’s performed over 1000 breast revision surgeries, and its challenging nature makes it one of his favorites.

Sometimes, Dr. Linder has to do minor procedures even after he redoes the breast lift and the revision because it can be very difficult to make the breasts as perfect as possible and achieve symmetry and a perfect shape.

Breast revisions often require scars. No matter how beautiful we make the scars, including using tiny sutures beneath the skin and steri-strips, you still can end up with poor scarring that may require revision down the road as well. 

So, when choosing breast revision surgery, look for an expert.

Interested in Learning More About Breast Revision With Dr. Stuart Linder?

For more information regarding breast revision surgery or a consultation with Dr. Linder in Beverly Hills, California, give us a call at (310) 275-4513 or feel free to contact us via email.