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Dr. Linder's Blog

Implant Removal Due To Symmastia

Posted On: October 31, 2017 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Implant Removal

Symmastia Before and After PhotosI was presented with a female who was looking to remove her breast implants.  During the consultation, she expressed how her implants had changed in appearance over the years.  I explained to her that she was experiencing a condition call symmastia, which is a rare occurrence. Symmastia is when the implants appear to merge, leaving no space between them. After determining that she would be a good candidate (tissue integrity and nipple-areolar complex in relation to the inframammary fold), we scheduled her explantation (removal of breast implants) surgery.

During the surgery, I made an inframammary incision and removed the breast implants. I then irrigated the pocket with antibiotic irrigant solution and placed a 7mm Jackson-Pratt® drain. The drains were placed for seven days; the patient was encouraged to wear a tight compression bra over the next six months to ensure proper healing.

As you can see by the 10-month post-op photo, she looks very natural, and her breast and nipples are balanced.

To schedule your consultation with Dr. Linder and learn more about breast implant removal, call our Beverly Hills office at (310) 275-4513 or fill out our online contact form today.