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Posted On: March 28, 2019 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Asymmetry, Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants, Breast topics, Plastic Surgery

CASE STUDY: Pectus Carinatum

The preoperative photos indicate the patient has undergone two previous breast augmentations. The patient has severe Pectus Carinatum deformity of her right breast, greater than the left. She has severe pectus carinatum of the entire right lateral chest cavity, sloping laterally and posteriorly. This causes lateral displacement of the implant. There is visibility of the implant as well as a pin cushioning along the right medial breast bone or sternum. Notice the implant edge which was causing severe irritation of the sub-dermis. This patient will require Pectus Carinatum surgery via breast reconstruction. She used 600 cc style 45 extra high profile Natrelle Allergan silicone implants with a right medial open capsulotomy, meticulously releasing the capsule along the inferior parasternal ridge as well as releasing the right medial muscle. Her postoperative photograph shows six weeks postoperative status post medial open capsulotomy, inferior capsulectomy of the right breast, superior bilateral open capsulotomy and removal of the low profile 450 cc implant with replacement with 600 cc style 45 silicone gel implants as well as a right areolar reduction in order to regain symmetry with the left side.

close up of asymmetry

The patient has done extraordinarily well. The patient has used compression Dr. Linder Bra for six weeks postoperative in order to maintain the medial breast pocket shape. This is extraordinarily difficult surgery. Only breast revision specialists who perform augmentation mammoplasties and breast reconstructions who are Board Certified with the American Board of Plastic Surgery should be performing difficult surgery and revision breast surgeries such as the above example. The extra high profile gel reduced visibility and rippling due to its round shape and increased AP projection with decreased lateral width.

before and after breast reconstruction

CASE STUDY: Pectus Excavatum And Asymmetry

before and after breast reconstruction - 6 week post opI was presented a 26 year old patient with severe congenital pectus excavatum condition along with asymmetry of the breast.  As you can see the patient appearance of the chest is sunken in or caved in. During the consultation we discussed her goals and outlined the approach to achieve her breast enhancement.

For the right breast we selected 350cc high profile saline implant and built out to 450cc. The left breast we selected 300cc moderate plus saline implant built out to 350cc. As you can see from the 6 week post op photo the augmentation achieved a nice symmetrical balance.