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Dr. Linder's Blog

Post Pregnancy Baker 4 Capsular Contracture

Posted On: September 02, 2015 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Implants, Breast Revision, Breast topics, Uncategorized

I was presented a patient who, after pregnancy, developed a Baker 4 capsular contracture to her breast. When any type of breast implant is inserted, the body naturally forms a protective lining around it. This is referred to as the capsule or tissue capsule. This happens in everyone whether the breast implant is smooth or textured, silicone or saline.

After pregnancy, this 27-year-old patient developed capsular contracture  where the  capsule began to shrink and formed a abnormal shape. As you can see, the preop photo to the left shows her breasts being squeezed out of their normal position by the progressive tightening of the capsule.

To correct this, I performed a open capsulotomy, releasing the capsules from the implants and replacing them with 280 moderate plus silicone implants. After 6 weeks, the postop photo shows a natural and symmetrical look.