Posted On: September 25, 2020 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Revision
Whenever a patient presents with a ruptured implant, we highly recommend that the implant be removed and replaced as soon as possible. Ruptured saline implants are usually clinically obvious as one breast will be significantly smaller than the other. The crack or rupture can occur either from the shall itself, most commonly with textured implants, where they have crease cracks and they develop leakage, or from a valve where the one-way valve becomes bi-directional and fluid leaks through the valve and it’s now no longer unidirectional. As long as an implant remains in the body, scar tissue will continue form around it and wall off the implant, reducing the size of the pocket and causing increasing encapsulation which may make it more difficult to regain a normal appearance to the breast.

Before and After Breast Revision Photos
As a result, whenever a woman has a ruptured saline implant, we recommend having it removed and replaced within the next 7 to 10 days. The operation should be performed under general anesthesia. We usually will perform a periareolar incision, remove the implant, irrigate out the pocket and then open up the scar tissue as necessary, either through an open capsulectomy removing the scar tissue or a circumferential open capsulotomy, releasing it, depending upon the thickness or viability of breast tissue surrounding the bag.
Two Ruptured Silicone Implants

Post-Op Photo
The patient presented recently had an MRI taken that detected a ruptured implant on her right breast. This implant was a 13-year-old 510 cc silicone implant. Immediately the patient scheduled a consultation with me to discuss what her best option would be for treatment. During the consultation, we agreed the best approach for her to take was to remove the ruptured implant, replace it with a new silicone implant, and undergo a formal breast lift. During the surgery, the right breast implant was ruptured as expected (see video 1). And to my surprise, the left silicone implant was also ruptured and was not detected by the MRI scan (see video 2). After removing both implants I replaced the right breast implant with 450 cc and left breast implant with 325 cc to correct the asymmetry. After the new implants were placed, I performed a formal breast lift.
To learn more about ruptured implants and breast revision surgery, schedule your consultation with Dr. Linder by calling our Beverly Hills office at (310) 275-4513 or by filling out our online contact form.