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Dr. Linder's Blog

International Travelers For Breast Revision Surgery

Posted On: June 04, 2011 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Revision

PassportIt is a humbling experience and a privilege to be able to operate on patients worldwide.  This week alone we have had breast revision patients arrive from Bombay, India, Alberta, Canada, London, England, as well as patients from the east coast United States.  The common theme has been breast revision surgery where these patients have had multiple operations on their breasts, and dissatisfactory outcomes.  Being able to create a perfect breast is not always possible.  Once the clay has been molded, it is difficult to remold it back to a normal shape.  My goals on each and every one of these revisions is to try create a normalcy, proportionality, recentralize the nipple areolar complex to its normal position, and minimize scarring when possible.  However, on some cases scarring is a requirement.  Performing mastopexies either through an inframammary scar or an anchor is required, especially with double-bubble deformities as we saw with the patient from Las Vegas, Nevada and Alberta, Canada this week.  The patient with severe bottoming out presented from Bombay, India, which required both internal capsulorraphy as well as removal of skin along the inframammary fold.  I was able to recentralize the nipple areolar complex beautifully as well as reduce the size of her implants by 40% as she desired.  She now has a significant improvement in the proportionality of her breasts to her body.

Whether breast revision patients come from close by neighborhoods in Beverly Hills or West Los Angeles or whether they come from interstate lines throughout the United States or as far as Shanghai, Singapore, Dubai, or Bombay, India, all women have a common desire and that is to create a normalcy to their breasts from their past results that are dissatisfactory.