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Dr. Linder's Blog

Launching Of New Website, Breast Implant Las

Posted On: April 22, 2010 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Augmentation, Breast Revision, Breast topics, Media

Masthead will be launched in the very near future.  This site has been developed in order to educate patients with breast augmentation surgery in general.  We go through all the specifics and facts of breast augmentation surgery, including the history of breast augmentation, the chemical composition of silicone itself, the postoperative care and management of breast augmented patients, identification cards from your breast implant surgery, as well as postoperative recovery time.

With respect to saline implants, great detail is given as to the surgical technique and candidates for saline versus silicone gel implants.  With silicone implants themselves, the 7-year complication rate for primary versus secondary augmentation patients is given, courtesy of Natrelle Collections.  Placement of implants as well as implant shapes, including high profile moderate plus and moderate profile implants, are described in detail, including examples of before and after photographs.  Breast deformities are also described, including breast asymmetry, tubular breast deformity, pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum.  Photograph examples are also given. 

Finally, breast implant revision, which is a large component of Dr. Linder’s practice, is described with respect to breast asymmetry, capsular contracture, ruptured implants, double-bubble breast deformity, cleavage, both primary as well as revision, implant malposition, severe bottoming out, volume revisions, anatomically shaped implants, symmastia, implant explantation and scarring on the breast mound itself.  You may also refer to and  for more details on breast revision surgery.

Again, the main purpose of this site is to become an encyclopedia of wealth of information to educate women throughout the world, as well as Beverly Hills and Las Vegas, Nevada on breast augmentation and breast revision surgery itself.  I hope you find this very useful.