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BREAST IMPLANTS When Bigger Isnt Always Better

Posted On: July 22, 2008 Author: The Office of Dr. Stuart Linder Posted In: Breast Implants

When Dr. Linder performs breast augmentations in Beverly Hills, his number one goal is to proportionalize the woman’s body in order to allow for the perfect shape and figure.

Bigger isn’t always better with breast augmentation

Patients often ask to go to very large size breast implants into a very full D to DD size. We feel that going this large can be very detrimental to the patient’s final outcome. Bigger isn’t always better with breast augmentation, especially when the implants are too large. Saline and silicone breast implants can reach up to 800 cc and can even be overfilled larger than that with saline implants. Problems with large saline and or silicone implants can include increased risk of rippling and visibility along the sides. The larger the bag, the greater the folding of the bag along the side, especially along the lateral breast area with visibility and palpability of the implants being obvious.

Problems with over sized breast implants

Celebrities like Pamela Anderson have had multiple breast surgeries, which can lead to increased skin laxity. Enormous implants in celebrities can also increase stretching of the skin, which can lead to requirement of breast lifts which can obviously create significant scarring. It can also thin the tissue to a point where revising this breast can be very difficult and or dangerous with skin loss and problems with blood supply to the nipple areolar complex.

Overly enlarged implants can also increase the risk of stretch marks, especially during a virgin or a primary augmentation. When performing the original surgery, if an enormous breast implant is placed subpectorally in a woman with very tight tissue that hasn’t softened over time, this can increase the risk of stretch marks which is cracking of the skin and scarring around the areola and expanding outward like sun rays from the sun. Furthermore, overly-enlarged breast implants can increase the risk of scar tissue contracture and increase capsulation which can thin out the tissue and once again make it more difficult to revise the breast.

When overly-enlarged implants are placed, the stretching of the tissue can be significant and if a smaller implant is desired years later, it may require a formal mastopexy using the Wise-pattern or the anchor scar in order to reduce the massive amounts of increased skin due to the stretching effect. Therefore, consideration should be made when placing implants at any time.

Proportionality is the key

Proportionality is the key in allowing the implant to allow the woman’s figure to be made more beautiful without expanding to such a large size where she becomes disproportionately large which increases risk of complications.

When Dr. Linder performs breast augmentations on celebrities, movie stars and swimsuit models, he is very adamant about obviously not going too large. We do not want to type cast the woman out of roles for her future. We also don’t want to make a woman too disproportionately large, which in Hollywood is actually not favored.

Stuart A. Linder, M.D.